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Head of Diomedes
- Localizzazione: Centrale Montemartini
- Collocazione: Sala Macchine
Galleria immagini
Informazioni storia
This head of a young man was found in via Labicana at the far end of the Esquiline, where the church of Saints Peter and Marcellinus is located, and probably comes from an imperial property. The hair in short locks and a light beard frame the face whose regularity is slightly
cracked by the absence of part of the nose. The intense gaze and full lips give the young man a contemptuous expression, that of someone used to winning by any means, and although the swollen ears are reminiscent of those of athletes, this is not a simple fight.
This is no ordinary wrestler: his features are reminiscent of Diomedes, the mythical Greek hero who joined Ulysses in the Trojan War and stole the Palladium of Athena, the city's protector. Founder of many centers on the Adriatic coast, including Canosa and Brindisi, Diomedes was very popular in the Italic peninsula and his representation was widespread. The complete statue from which this head is taken, from the Classical period, was possibly made by Cresila, a pupil of Polyclitus.